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Monday, September 15, 2008

This Isn’t Your Grandfather’s Depression

Please feel free to use this article as long as credit is given to the resource box.
Words: 607
© Copyright Arthur Levine 2008
Keywords: Recession, Depression, Tips, Humor,

I don’t know about you, but I have only lived through one depression that I can remember, maybe two depending on whether I am having a good day or not

My grandfather told me, “You have to have a sense of humor,” He gave me this most important piece of advice, which I give you about how to survive a depression. Unfortunately that is all the old man left me so I try and use humor whenever I can.

You are going to need a sense of humor too, if you plan on surviving an economic depression. If you have the other kind of depression, a sense of humor is important too.

I am going to try to give you some important tips on how to survive an economic depression using as much humor as I can muster as my wife tells me she thinks I am already severely depressed. I can live with that. How about you?

Are you ready to make plans for surviving a depression no matter which type you are about to experience? I hope so. I can’t do this alone. I need your help.

Let’s not quibble about whether it is a recession or a depression that is coming; it is too depressing to think about. I am going to call it a depression because that is how I feel.

Please grab a pencil. You don’t need to write anything down, but you can chew on the eraser if you get really nervous about what you are about to learn.

Here is a list of things to do to get ready for the coming Depression/Recession:

1. Buy a flashlight – It is going to be necessary to see where you are going when the Electric Company turns off your lights because you couldn’t pay the bill.
2. Stop buying expensive drinks at Starbucks for $5 a day - You can’t afford it any more. Use the pot in your one room apartment to boil up some water for instant coffee instead.
3. Get a bike – In case they repossess your car. You are going to need it to get to the construction job if you are going to be able to compete effectively with illegal aliens when your Company let’s you go. There is always McDonalds.
4. Speaking of Happy Hour or Happy Meals, lay off stopping at your favorite watering hole for a couple of brews after work. You are fat enough from all the white bread and baloney sandwiches you are living on and you can’t afford it. Stockpiling body fat won’t help you get through the winter.
5. Get out and vote – It probably won’t help, but it may make you feel like you are doing something constructive.
6. Marry that woman – what are you waiting for? You will get at least two deductions and two can live cheaper than one.
7. Stop thinking about what could have been – it is time to start worrying about the future if you plan on having one.

That’s about all the tips I can stand for today. I am going to take the afternoon off and dance the Depression Mamba 1,2,3. How about you? Do you know what to do with your leisure time? You may be about to have a whole lot more of it.

Hi, this is Arthur Levine. To read the complete Special Report on what to do in an economic depression or recession please go to

Thursday, September 11, 2008

45 Caliber Books--a Labor of Love, Insanity, and Whiskey.

45 Caliber Books quietly opened its doors on Monday, September 08, 2008, after many, many hours of intense labor, a few bouts of sleep-deprived insanity, and more than one bottle of fine Tennessee sipping whiskey, according to one of the site's founders.

This seeds of this project were planted over three years ago, when the need for an alternative bookselling site that had readers, authors and publishers best interests at heart was first recognized by a few forward-looking individuals. However, the idea remained just that, a seed, until the recent strong-arm tactics of Amazon came to light last February. And that's when the idea took serious root and began to grow.

The site is unique in too many aspects to list here, but a couple of the more interesting options available to authors and publishers include editing their listings, 24/7, and the ability to embed buy buttons to author or publisher's personal shopping cart within the book pages themselves, in addition to the Paypal Buy Now option offered by the site. Consumers purchase books directly from the participating author or publisher--45 Caliber Books does not receive any money in the transaction.

To bring readers to the best deals authors and publishers can afford to offer them, 45 Caliber Books is currently looking for authors and publishers to stock their virtual shelves with books for sale to the general reading public. E-Books, paperbacks, hardcovers, audio, DVDs, all are welcome. Registration is always free and the ultra-low annual listing fee of one dollar per book has been waived until the first of the year. Check out the Listing TOS on the drop-down menu under Members, click on the How This Site Works for their general T&C, then tour a sample book page or two.

A couple of other points to ponder: ten cents a sale--on the honor system; and if you have several versions of your book to sell--say, a paperback as well as an e-Book, a hardcover plus a paperback plus an e-Book--you are encouraged to embed buy buttons to each version within the main book listing page at no extra charge.

"We don't believe authors and publishers should have to pay us to list each version of their book on our site," said Mari Bushman, spokesperson for 45 Caliber Books as well as author and editor for Jigsaw Press. "That's just another way to rip-off the author or publisher that ultimately results in higher prices to the consumer. We want to see the readers get a fair shake and the authors and publishers make a little money for a change."

"Speaking for myself and on behalf of my silent partners," she said, "our sole impetus in creating this site has been and is to give readers a place to connect directly with authors and publishers that doesn't hold anyone's wallet hostage in the process. We want to leave this part of the publishing world--especially the readers, authors and publishers--better off than we found it. This is truly a labor of love, and maybe insanity, for all of us. If we make enough after operating expenses and marketing for a bottle of fine Tennessee sipping whiskey, we'll be more than satisfied."

Mari Bushman
45 Caliber Books
784 US Hwy 89
Vaughn, MT, 59487
Toll-free number 877-833-1445

Friday, September 5, 2008

Answer The Question

Today with the Computer, Voice Mail, Email, and the Internet in general acting as a buffer, people don’t have to respond to a question directly.

What happened to a direct, look in your eye response? Why can’t today’s generation answer a question?

Even in person people have become non-responsive. When asked why a mistake was made the answer has become, I can’t answer that right now or I’ll get back to you.

Answer the question.

When asked if it’s going to be a boy or a girl the answer is we are not telling anyone.

When asked if you are voting democratic or republican in the upcoming election the answer is that’s my personal business or I haven’t decided. What are you ashamed of?

When asked if you are for or against the Surge in the Iraq war the answer is it hasn’t worked politically yet. Are you for it or against it?

Are you for or against defending the nation militarily if necessary?

Answer the question.

Are you pro life or pro choice or neither?

Are you prejudiced or color blind or bigoted?

Does anything really matter to you or are you just going with the flow?

Are you prepared to make a commitment or not?

Answer the question.

Do you really know who you are and what you stand for?

Do you have an opinion on anything?

We have become a nation of non-responders, a mass of zombie like blobs walking around without a sense of commitment to our families, our country, or ourselves.

We are trying to live life on the safe side by not responding to the questions life raises.

We are trying to avoid confrontation by keeping our opinions to ourselves.

We are attempting to be on both sides of the important issues of our times in order to eliminate the possibility of creating a hostile atmosphere or conflict.

You can’t have it both ways. In order to make a difference, in order to effect a more perfect union both nationally, internationally, and personally, we are going to have to take a stand.

Is this no man’s land of decision making capability the way you want to live? Don’t you want to make a difference? Do you care enough to want to do something worthwhile with your life?

Answer the question.